V4 Login SHA 256

Hi team
Am unable to login to my account using python code using the new version.
after converting the password with SHA256 conversion tool.

Below is the format i gave while executing. am getting below error. Please let me know any correction is required.

note: userid i gave is here is for example

from thefirstock import thefirstock
import pyotp

TOTP = pyotp.TOTP(‘NTO7PKU4O7EVG3TU6DHBN4434JQY5747’).now()

{‘status’: ‘failed’,
‘code’: ‘401’,
‘error’: {‘field’: ‘password’, ‘message’: ‘password parameter is invalid’}}

Hi Umadhevid

Password hashing is required when using APIs. For Python and other packages hashing is internally handled, you need to send password input without hashing.
Thank you for your patience.