Unable to place shortstraddle and all default strategies code

Hi Team,

Able to place order with the code “thefirstock.firstock_placeOrder” in equity and F&O.
But unable to place order with the deafult strategies available for 4.0 like shortstraddle, shortstrangles, long straddle, long straddle etc…

Please find the screenshot and the error message


Hi @Umadhevid,

We’re actively working on resolving the API issue and plan to have it fixed as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding and patience!

Hi Team,
Please fix this issue ASAP.
Please let me know the ETA for this issue, so that will plan accordingly

Hi @Umadhevid ,

We are planning to fix this issue by Saturday (18-May-2024) update. We will let you know once the update has been completed.
Thank you for your understanding.

Hi Team, Please let me know if this issue is fixed.

Still Facing the same issue. Please let me know when this will resolved, Its beyond your fix date

Hi @Umadhevid,
The issue has been fixed. Please look into the document for the latest payload.

Hello Team,

There seems to be a syntax error in the python code. The Colon ’ : 'is giving a syntax error in Python.


This is what we still see in the definition,

We think the below three variables need to be added to the Definition,

Hi @Umadhevid ,
The issue has been fixed. Please let us know if you have any other queries.

Hi Team , Still issue persists.
I have checked in Firstock 4.0.1 and Firstock 4.1.0 version also.Both showing same issue.

In the latest documentation the latest variables are added but still in the definition still the variable in missing
Below are the code and the output details:

The below code still we see in the definition, where the new variables are still missing:

Please resolve the issue ASAP, this is going back and forth.

One more point is its very difficult to work with these newer version where so many important functionalities are yet to work in the correct manner. Till then the current version looks stable i will work on the previous version.
Please let me know the when the old version will expire. This will help us

Hi Team,
Please look into the issue ASAP. Thanks in Advance

From Apr we are trying to find the solution for this basic issue. Please fix this issue