Unable to place orders in SENSEX Options

I am unable to place orders in SENSEX Options getting error as Invalid exchange. I am giving exchange as “BFO” similar to “NFO”
I also tried changing to BSE, it then complained of invalid TradingSymbol.

  Can you please help?

error snippet

2023-12-15 20:30:46,564 [4312] : MPL MPOrder => {‘exchange’: ‘BFO’, ‘tradingSymbol’: ‘SENSEX23D2269500PE’, ‘quantity’: ‘0’, ‘price’: ‘40.6’, ‘product’: ‘M’, ‘transactionType’: ‘S’, ‘priceType’: ‘LMT’, ‘retention’: ‘DAY’, ‘triggerPrice’: ‘0’, ‘remarks’: ‘MPL_PE’}

2023-12-15 20:30:47,053 [4312] : MPL => {‘status’: ‘Failed’, ‘code’: ‘400’, ‘name’: ‘INVALID_EXCHANGE’, ‘error’: {‘field’: ‘exchange’, ‘message’: ‘Only NSE / BSE / NFO is allowed’}}


Hi @Nandan_Pandarathil ,

Please check out our latest version of Firstock, v4. We’ve resolved the issues.