Search function returns invalid script details

Search script function for ABB will result for both Abbot India and ABB.

scriptDetails = thefirstock.firstock_SearchScrips(“ABB”)

Please fix it

{‘status’: ‘Success’, ‘values’: [{‘exchange’: ‘NSE’, ‘tradingSymbol’: ‘ABBOTINDIA-EQ’, ‘token’: ‘17903’, ‘companyName’: ‘ABBOTT INDIA LIMITED’, ‘instrumentName’: ‘EQ’, ‘pricePrecision’: ‘2’, ‘lotSize’: ‘1’, ‘tickSize’: ‘0.05’}, {‘exchange’: ‘NSE’, ‘tradingSymbol’: ‘ABB-EQ’, ‘token’: ‘13’, ‘companyName’: ‘ABB INDIA LIMITED’, ‘instrumentName’: ‘EQ’, ‘pricePrecision’: ‘2’, ‘lotSize’: ‘1’, ‘tickSize’: ‘0.05’}, {‘exchange’: ‘BSE’, ‘tradingSymbol’: ‘ABBOTINDIA’, ‘token’: ‘500488’, ‘companyName’: ‘ABBOTT INDIA LTD.’, ‘instrumentName’: ‘A’, ‘pricePrecision’: ‘2’, ‘lotSize’: ‘1’, ‘tickSize’: ‘0.05’}, {‘exchange’: ‘BSE’, ‘tradingSymbol’: ‘ABB’, ‘token’: ‘500002’, ‘companyName’: ‘ABB INDIA LIMITED’, ‘instrumentName’: ‘A’, ‘pricePrecision’: ‘2’, ‘lotSize’: ‘1’, ‘tickSize’: ‘0.05’}, {‘exchange’: ‘NFO’, ‘tradingSymbol’: ‘ABBOTINDIA31AUG23F’, ‘token’: ‘39282’, ‘instrumentName’: ‘FUTSTK’, ‘pricePrecision’: ‘2’, ‘lotSize’: ‘40’, ‘tickSize’: ‘0.05’}, {‘exchange’: ‘NFO’, ‘tradingSymbol’: ‘ABB31AUG23F’, ‘token’: ‘35338’, ‘instrumentName’: ‘FUTSTK’, ‘pricePrecision’: ‘2’, ‘lotSize’: ‘250’, ‘tickSize’: ‘0.05’}, {‘exchange’: ‘NFO’, ‘tradingSymbol’: ‘ABBOTINDIA28SEP23F’, ‘token’: ‘35091’, ‘instrumentName’: ‘FUTSTK’, ‘pricePrecision’: ‘2’, ‘lotSize’: ‘40’, ‘tickSize’: ‘0.05’}, {‘exchange’: ‘NFO’, ‘tradingSymbol’: ‘ABB28SEP23F’, ‘token’: ‘35090’, ‘instrumentName’: ‘FUTSTK’, ‘pricePrecision’: ‘2’, ‘lotSize’: ‘250’, ‘tickSize’: ‘0.05’}, {‘exchange’: ‘NFO’, ‘tradingSymbol’: ‘ABBOTINDIA26OCT23F’, ‘token’: ‘35127’, ‘instrumentName’: ‘FUTSTK’, ‘pricePrecision’: ‘2’, ‘lotSize’: ‘40’, ‘tickSize’: ‘0.05’}, {‘exchange’: ‘NFO’, ‘tradingSymbol’: ‘ABB26OCT23F’, ‘token’: ‘35118’, ‘instrumentName’: ‘FUTSTK’, ‘pricePrecision’: ‘2’, ‘lotSize’: ‘250’, ‘tickSize’: ‘0.05’}, {‘exchange’: ‘NFO’, ‘tradingSymbol’: ‘ABB31AUG23P2450’, ‘token’: ‘61990’, ‘instrumentName’: ‘OPTSTK’, ‘pricePrecision’: ‘2’, ‘lotSize’: ‘250’, ‘tickSize’: ‘0.05’}, {‘exchange’: ‘NFO’, ‘tradingSymbol’: ‘ABB31AUG23C2450’, ‘token’: ‘61989’, ‘instrumentName’: ‘OPTSTK’, ‘pricePrecision’: ‘2’, ‘lotSize’: ‘250’, ‘tickSize’: ‘0.05’}, {‘exchange’: ‘NFO’, ‘tradingSymbol’: ‘ABB31AUG23P2500’, ‘token’: ‘61992’, ‘instrumentName’: ‘OPTSTK’, ‘pricePrecision’: ‘2’, ‘lotSize’: ‘250’, ‘tickSize’: ‘0.05’}, {‘exchange’: ‘NFO’, ‘tradingSymbol’: ‘ABB31AUG23C2500’, ‘token’: ‘61991’, ‘instrumentName’: ‘OPTSTK’, ‘pricePrecision’: ‘2’, ‘lotSize’: ‘250’, ‘tickSize’: ‘0.05’}, {‘exchange’: ‘NFO’, ‘tradingSymbol’: ‘ABB31AUG23P2550’, ‘token’: ‘61994’, ‘instrumentName’: ‘OPTSTK’, ‘pricePrecision’: ‘2’, ‘lotSize’: ‘250’, ‘tickSize’: ‘0.05’}, {‘exchange’: ‘NFO’, ‘tradingSymbol’: ‘ABB31AUG23C2550’, ‘token’: ‘61993’, ‘instrumentName’: ‘OPTSTK’, ‘pricePrecision’: ‘2’, ‘lotSize’: ‘250’, ‘tickSize’: ‘0.05’}, {‘exchange’: ‘NFO’, ‘tradingSymbol’: ‘ABB31AUG23P2600’, ‘token’: ‘63831’, ‘instrumentName’: ‘OPTSTK’, ‘pricePrecision’: ‘2’, ‘lotSize’: ‘250’, ‘tickSize’: ‘0.05’}, {‘exchange’: ‘NFO’, ‘tradingSymbol’: ‘ABB31AUG23C2600’, ‘token’: ‘63830’, ‘instrumentName’: ‘OPTSTK’, ‘pricePrecision’: ‘2’, ‘lotSize’: ‘250’, ‘tickSize’: ‘0.05’}, {‘exchange’: ‘NFO’, ‘tradingSymbol’: ‘ABB31AUG23P2650’, ‘token’: ‘63835’, ‘instrumentName’: ‘OPTSTK’, ‘pricePrecision’: ‘2’, ‘lotSize’: ‘250’, ‘tickSize’: ‘0.05’}, {‘exchange’: ‘NFO’, ‘tradingSymbol’: ‘ABB31AUG23C2650’, ‘token’: ‘63834’, ‘instrumentName’: ‘OPTSTK’, ‘pricePrecision’: ‘2’, ‘lotSize’: ‘250’, ‘tickSize’: ‘0.05’}, {‘exchange’: ‘NFO’, ‘tradingSymbol’: ‘ABB31AUG23P2700’, ‘token’: ‘63839’, ‘instrumentName’: ‘OPTSTK’, ‘pricePrecision’: ‘2’, ‘lotSize’: ‘250’, ‘tickSize’: ‘0.05’}, {‘exchange’: ‘NFO’, ‘tradingSymbol’: ‘ABB31AUG23C2700’, ‘token’: ‘63836’, ‘instrumentName’: ‘OPTSTK’, ‘pricePrecision’: ‘2’, ‘lotSize’: ‘250’, ‘tickSize’: ‘0.05’}, {‘exchange’: ‘NFO’, ‘tradingSymbol’: ‘ABB31AUG23P2750’, ‘token’: ‘63841’, ‘instrumentName’: ‘OPTSTK’, ‘pricePrecision’: ‘2’, ‘lotSize’: ‘250’, ‘tickSize’: ‘0.05’}, {‘exchange’: ‘NFO’, ‘tradingSymbol’: ‘ABB31AUG23C2750’, ‘token’: ‘63840’, ‘instrumentName’: ‘OPTSTK’, ‘pricePrecision’: ‘2’, ‘lotSize’: ‘250’, ‘tickSize’: ‘0.05’}, {‘exchange’: ‘NFO’, ‘tradingSymbol’: ‘ABB31AUG23P2800’, ‘token’: ‘63843’, ‘instrumentName’: ‘OPTSTK’, ‘pricePrecision’: ‘2’, ‘lotSize’: ‘250’, ‘tickSize’: ‘0.05’}]}

Hi Kumar_K,

Thank you for sharing the script and the provided data. It seems that you’re using a script to search for stock information based on the prefix “ABB.” The script retrieves details for both “Abbot India” and “ABB.”

The response from the script provides various information such as exchange, trading symbol, token, company name, instrument name, price precision, lot size, and tick size for each stock symbol that matches the prefix “ABB.”

For example, it retrieves data for companies like “ABBOTT INDIA LIMITED” and “ABB INDIA LIMITED,” and includes information about their trading symbols, exchange, and other relevant details.